KiX Revenue
The first point to make is that KiX is a non for profit Foundation and the revenue is generated solely to power the protocol and not to generate profits for shareholders as there simply aren't any.
Any excess revenue after operational costs are paid and a contribution is made to fund future development, is available for the benefit of the community, to be distributed as it sees fit.
For example, the excess revenue may be allocated towards the user token reward programs to encourage community adoption i.e. increasing the amount of liquidity for the eco-system. However the community might equally decide to fund grass roots football, or buy a football team.
Revenue is derived from the trading commissions generated on the KiX DEX and via DATs in the game of skill - specifically this is:
$KiX: 100% of all 0.5% commissions on both Buy & Sell transactions from the platform token
DAT: 10% of all 1% commissions on both Buy & Sell transactions (the 90% balance being applied to Rewards)
In the future revenue will may be derived from the sale of NFTs and also from the sale of our data.
* PLEASE NOTE: Under regulation KiX is not offered or promoted to UK users or residents. *
Last updated