KiX Rewards Contest

The Rewards contest is the main rewards category that will be ready for launch. It is an evolutionary concept because we have adapted the mechanics of a simple fantasy football competition to make it supercharged and as enjoyable as possible for our traders.

The standard form of fantasy football involves choosing a team of footballers and comparing your team's performance to that of other users who have made similar team selections. Performance is determined by using sports data to calculate a score for all footballers; these scores are then used to produce rankings and winners.

The KiX Rewards Contest uses a similar approach; however, with the KiX adaptation, you don't need a team to be eligible for participation. With our model, you can have only one footballer in your portfolio and still participate; all you need to do is check the submission flag next to any of your DATs in your portfolio, and the entire balance of your holdings will be submitted into the contest.

This submission could be one, two, or all of the DAT NFTs in your portfolio; you only need to click the submission flag beside each DAT you want to submit.

With the KiX product, there is no need to worry about positions, rarities, or anything else that may complicate matters. All that needs to be done is click one button for each contest, and you're in - while this may seem like something small, it is not the norm within the domain of fantasy football!

The method for determining the Reward distribution is via a performance score; this is a familiar and well-established mechanic within skill-based fantasy sports. Performance Scores are used to create a top-three podium of the best-performing footballers; this ranking is then used to determine how the pool of Rewards will be distributed.

DAT Rewards Submission

Navigating to the portfolio will show you all the DAT NFTs that you own in your portfolio. As can be seen there is a 'Submit for Rewards' column on the right hand side - this MUST be selected if you wish to submit your DAT NFTs into the contest.

Portfolio BEFORE reward submission

If this flag is not submitted then your DAT NFT's will not be sumitted for the current Game Groups Rewards contest.

This will need to be completed for each and every Game Group.

Once the flag has been selected there will be a pop up confirming this and the radio button flag will be in the selected position:

Portfolio AFTER reward submission

Please note that this flag will remain selected until the current Game Group ends, upon which the flag will automatically deselect. Once the Game Group ends and then the flag becomes deselected, traders will be required to resubmit DATs again, in effect for each and every Game Group this process needs to be followed.

* PLEASE NOTE: Under regulation KiX is not offered or promoted to UK users or residents. *

Last updated