Fees & Commissions
Traders incur various fees and commissions related to trading the $KIX platform token and DAT NFTs.
$KIX/$USDT Trading Commissions
0.5% Commission is applied on both Buy & Sell Transactions (other commissions may apply on other exchanges). This is within the KiX ecosystem using the internal DeX and there is no spread associated with transactions for this trading pair as an XYK AMM is used that operates without a spread.
DAT/$KIX Trading Commissions
1% Commission on both Buy & Sell Transactions.
Please note: When trading a SWAP transaction there is no commission on the Buy To Open leg, there will only be commissions charged on the Sell To Close leg.
90% of all DAT commissions are paid into the Rewards Pools.
10% to all DAT commissions are paid into the Operations Pool.
There is a spread of approx 1%-5% between the Buy Price and Sell Price, this difference will result in a residual $KIX balance which is paid into the Operations Pool at intermittent periods.
DAT/DAT Trading Commissions
In the future, traders will be able to 'swap' between footballer DATs without going back into $KiX first. This means that they save one leg of the transaction and the net cost is reduced to a 1% commission and the spread of approx 1%-5%. This saving is a reward for Locking $KiX that are vested in DAT.
No transaction fees are applied on any of the above transactions.
* PLEASE NOTE: Under regulation KiX is not offered or promoted to UK users or residents. *
Last updated